About Sky Lakes Farm

Sky Lakes Farm is located in Chiloquin, Oregon, situated near the wetlands of Modoc Point and is rich with diverse wildlife and agriculture. At 4000' elevation the mountain views are panoramic and all seasons are true. The sun rises over sage and rabbitbrush of the high desert to our East, and the sunset leaves us in the timbered shadows of the Crater Lake Rim and Sky Lakes Wilderness to our West. The soils are fertile sandy loam created by the eruption of Mt. Mazama which were deposited as lake sediments. Our waters come from the clean Williamson and Sprague Rivers. Bald Eagles, Osprey, and other plump raptors are majestic sentinels that perch in our trees by day, and owls are the guardians of our fields by night.

Every acre here at Sky Lakes Farm is put to the test and used for hard and honest work. We believe in the benefits of regenerative farming practices - growing our produce and raising our animals as nature intended. We care for our livestock on pasture and we care for them well. Our pastures are native prairie and other grasses that sustain and finish our small Angus X and Wagyu X herd. Our goal is to serve our local community with healthy and accessible foods.

Currently, the feature crop of our farm is beautiful culinary garlic. With rotational crop schedules and mindful cultivation, we are proud to provide you with large and healthy garlic in hardneck and softneck varieties. 

We are working hard to expand on produce that is grown here. We would love to offer a variety of well-rounded fruits and vegetables for you.