The Farmstand

Chicken Eggs:   $4.00 per dozen  (limited availability)
Our hens kind of run the show around here! They freely range wherever they choose and eat a full omnivore diet. Our flock is a healthy mix of Rhode Islands, Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Wyandottes, Black Stars, Ameraucanas, and Marans.
We do not keep a rooster and their eggs are not fertilized. 
Eggs are collected daily, brought indoors, and numbered with date of collection. We generally do not rinse or refrigerate the eggs when they are fresh within 2 weeks - we leave that choice up to you. If we are in a period of wet weather and hens are tracking mud around, we will rinse & refrigerate eggs and be sure that is noted for you. 
Photos courtesy of Nikki Truhlar